Urban Intervention in Thessaloniki's Waterfront
student competition
Proposal for Thessaloniki's Waterfront | student competition
keywords: #UrbanDesign, #UrbanIntervention, #StudentCompetition
The public space is quite dynamic, dominated by an infinite flow of movements, actions, ideas and activities, that begin, address and end with in each and every person that lives in it.
Such urban sequences, reflected here as a “spatial ribbon” that develops in 3 dimensions, are the main inspiration of the proposal.

Such urban sequences, reflected here as a “spatial ribbon” that develops in 3 dimensions, are the main inspiration of the proposal.

Ground floor and top plan view

Elevation Views with materials

Axonometric View

Night Lights Render
academic year: 2017
team: Kousoula S., Panagiotopoulou M.
team: Kousoula S., Panagiotopoulou M.